Lulu and Daisy
Your dog deserves the best

Curated a meal for your fur baby

Start Now
20% Complete

Tell us about

Feeding amounts are calculated based on the information you provide.

55% Complete

's food and
dietery requirements

Please allow one month to notice changes based on your pet’s health goals — sustain, gain, lose.

If no changes are seen, we will modify the daily feeding amount.

Meals per day

Anything else we should know?

80% Complete

Tell us about yourself

All deliveries will be sent to the address below.

Check to see if we
deliver in your area

100% Complete

Order Summary

Your first bill includes the Lulu and Daisy Transition Pack
along with a one month subscription.

Shipping Address Edit Address

Recipe Schedule

Proteins are rotated every 3 months, allowing for variation and prevention of allergens build up.

April to June : Paneer (57 Days left)
Up Next

Other : Buff January to March : Mutton
July to September : Chicken
October to December : Fish

We will auto transition from one recipe to another during the last 9 days of every rotation.
Any changes in schedule will be communicated 2 weeks prior

Curated plan for

Transition Pack (9 days)

Transition starting
We will deliver nine pouches marked for each day’s consumption.
Additionally, we will send you buffer meals for Day 10 and Day 11.

What’s a buffer meal?
In the unlikely case of spoilage or a missed delivery, you’ll have two day’s meal(s) to fall back on.

Meal Plan

Your meal plan will commence on . Please consume food provided for Day 10 & 11 first.

To ensure you always have a food buffer of 2 days, follow a first in first out management of pouches: receiving, storing and feeding - repeat.

Delivery: Tuesday and Friday between 4:00pm and 7:00pm.

Once your order is confirmed, please expect an email with the Lulu and Daisy Transition Guide and Lulu and Daisy Recipe Information. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions here

Amount (Rupees)

Transition Pack (Billed once)

Meal Plan (Billed monthly)

Shipping (Billed monthly)

Charged as per actuals in your bill for the next month
We subsidise upto Rs. 40 / delivery

Limited Offer

20% off on your first month

Total (Including Tax)